[NJ] 중. 고등부 목회자 청빙
페이지 정보
갈릴리 교회ㆍ2019-08-28관련링크
Seeking youth minister for Galilee Assembly of God 중. 고등부 목회자 청빙합니다.
1. 제출 서류 / Application
- A Resume
- A Personal Testimony
2. 사역 / Job description
- 주일예배 / Sunday Service
- 주일 오후 성경 공부 / Sunday afternoon bible study
3. 사례/ Salary & Benefits
- Competitive salary based on qualification and experience
4. 제출처 / Please Submit
- galileeag@gmail.com
- 교회 Website : www.galilee.net
- 732)648-1928
- There is no set deadline but we will take applications until we find someone.
1. 제출 서류 / Application
- A Resume
- A Personal Testimony
2. 사역 / Job description
- 주일예배 / Sunday Service
- 주일 오후 성경 공부 / Sunday afternoon bible study
3. 사례/ Salary & Benefits
- Competitive salary based on qualification and experience
4. 제출처 / Please Submit
- galileeag@gmail.com
- 교회 Website : www.galilee.net
- 732)648-1928
- There is no set deadline but we will take applications until we find someone.
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