2017년 교회학교 교육 컨퍼런스 > 행사 등 여러가지 홍보

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행사 등 여러가지 홍보

2017년 교회학교 교육 컨퍼런스

페이지 정보



2017년 교회학교 교육 컨퍼런스
Children’s Ministry Conference

일시 : Apr. 1. (Sat) 9:15 AM- 04:15 PM
Registration starts at 9:00 Am
장소 : 퀸즈한인교회 (이규섭 목사 시무)
8900 23rd Ave, East Elmhurst, NY 11369
등록비 : $ 75
By March 14, 2017 $65.00!

Lunch, notes, & gift will be provided

Rev. Jong Dae Choi
312-286-4646 bigbell59@gmail.com registration form and information https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i7nsdxihyyo5ryv/AACSDxaSCK1zoCaoTdBhqI1Ta?dl=0

Conference Detail Information

Keynote Speaker: Rev. David Beidel
Session 1
Worship Songs with Movement pt1
Na Moon Kim
The Wonder of Worship
Monica Winter
Crafts with a Purpose
Sun Han
How to Lead a Child to Christ
Chris Kotecha
Parenting Breakthroughs or Breakdowns
Nancy Martinez
Developing a Biblical Worldview in Children
Brian Evelich

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Session 2
Worship Songs with Movement pt 2
Na Moon Kim
Intergenerational Family Worship
Jong Dae Choi
Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving:
Teaching Kids to Pray
Linda Duncan
Bible Lessons for Discipleship and Growth
Brian Evelich
Winning with People: Leadership
Nancy Martinez
Hope for Children of Divorce
Kim Colbeck
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Session 3
Creative Teaching for Little Kids: The 5 Senses
Mi Hyoung Choi
Made for Worship: Helping Kids
Worship God from the Heart
Ann Lau
Kaboom - Fun Classroom Ideas
Brian Evelich
Around the Corner – Around the World: Missions
Helen & Elisa Teo
God's Good Answers to Kids Tough Questions
Josiah Maddox
Helping Children Understand Death
Betsy Maddox

뉴욕 어린이전도협회
Child Evangelism Fellowship of NYC

Child Evangelism Fellowship of NYC
최 종대 목사


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