2017 VBS 및 교사 교육 컨퍼런스 > 행사 등 여러가지 홍보

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행사 등 여러가지 홍보

2017 VBS 및 교사 교육 컨퍼런스

페이지 정보



2017년 VBS 교사 세미나
VBS 찬양 율동 및 프로그램만
일반 교사 강의는 아래 세미나에서
(Children’s Ministry Conference - CMC)

일시 : Apr. 22. (Sat) 1:00 PM- 04:30 PM
Registration starts at 12:30 Pm

장소 : 뉴욕우리 교회 (조원태 목사 시무)
 53-71 72nd Pl, Maspeth, NY 11378

등록비 : $ 30
After April 20, 2017 $40.00!
단, CMC 참석 하신 교회는 $20
Rev. Jong Dae Choi
312-286-4646 bigbell59@gmail.com

자세한 인포메이션

등록 하기

VBS 찬양 율동
  Namoon Kim CEF Dance Instructor
VBS 운영 및 프로그램
Rev. Jong Dae Choi
Korean Ministry Coordinator of CEF
M.A. of Christian Education in Wheaton College.
Th.M of C. E. in Princeton Theological Seminary.
2017년 교회학교 교육 컨퍼런스
Children’s Ministry Conference

일시 : Apr. 1. (Sat) 9:15 AM- 04:15 PM
Registration starts at 9:00 Am

장소 : 퀸즈한인교회 (이규섭 목사 시무)
 8900 23rd Ave, East Elmhurst, NY 11369

등록비 : $ 75
By March 14, 2017 $65.00!
  Lunch, notes, & gift will be provided

Rev. Jong Dae Choi
312-286-4646 bigbell59@gmail.com

registration form and information

Conference Detail Information

Keynote Speaker: Rev. David Beidel
Session 1
Worship Songs with Movement pt1
Na Moon Kim
The Wonder of Worship
Monica Winter
Crafts with a Purpose
Sun Han
How to Lead a Child to Christ
Chris Kotecha
Parenting Breakthroughs or Breakdowns
Nancy Martinez
Developing a Biblical Worldview in Children
Brian Evelich
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Session 2
Worship Songs with Movement pt 2
Na Moon Kim
Intergenerational Family Worship
Jong Dae Choi
Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving:
Teaching Kids to Pray
Linda Duncan
Bible Lessons for Discipleship and Growth
Brian Evelich
Winning with People: Leadership
Nancy Martinez
Hope for Children of Divorce
Kim Colbeck
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Session 3
Creative Teaching for Little Kids: The 5 Senses
Mi Hyoung Choi
Made for Worship: Helping Kids
Worship God from the Heart
Ann Lau
Kaboom - Fun Classroom Ideas
Brian Evelich
Around the Corner – Around the World: Missions
Helen & Elisa Teo
God's Good Answers to Kids Tough Questions
Josiah Maddox
Helping Children Understand Death
Betsy Maddox

뉴욕 어린이전도협회
Child Evangelism Fellowship of NYC


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